Best Backpacking Podcast

Episode 58: Ticks Are Sneaky Little Suckers

On this episode we discuss that pesky little irritant otherwise known as THE TICK. We talk about how to keep them from attaching to you as well as recognizing signs of possible Lyme Disease. We share with you WHY they are predicted to be so bad this year, in 2018.  Also offer our opinion on what the best preventative is Deet vs Permethrin and how to choose which one is best for you.

Things we talk about:

  • Scott got a Tick where?
  • Ticks are sneaky little suckers
  • Ticks have a pretty long life span
  • Understand where you will be spending time outdoors
  • Know your enemy

What to do if you see a tick on you?

If you see a tick on you, keep calm and use tweezers. “There is a lot of folklore about how to take a tick out of your skin. Some people even talk about having a lighted cigarette close by, things like that,” he said. “The most important thing is just to use appropriate forceps such as tweezers. Grab the whole tick and pull it out.”

A variety of Permethrin-based products are available to treat your clothing. The simplest to use and apply are spray-on treatments, such as Sawyer Permethrin Sprays ($16 for 24 ounces), Sawyer Sp657 Permethrin Premium Clothing Insect Repellent,24 Oz,Pack of 2

More prevention:

  • Using an Environmental Protection Agency-registered insect repellent.
  • Wearing long-sleeved shirts and long pants.
  • Treating items like boots, pants, socks, and tents with permethrin.
  • Controlling ticks on pets by giving them medication.
  • Doing a full-body check for any ticks you may have carried inside and killing any you find. Do not overlook any areas, including the belly button, hair, and around the ears.

If you suspect that you may have lyme disease, the CDC recommends looking for the following symptoms three to 30 days after the initial bite:

Muscle or joint aches
Swollen lymph nodes
Erythema migrans (EM) rash

Contact your Doctor immediately if you have any of the above symptoms and always make sure you check your body thoroughly after taking a hike, backpacking trip, or camping trip.

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