Best Backpacking Podcast

Episode 9: Top 3 Letters Nature Lovers Need to Know

In Episode 9, Scott and Ariane discuss the Top 3 Letters that all who love the outdoors need to know. LNT or Leave No Trace and the 7 principals that guide all who participate in Nature and how to be good stewards of it.

Leave No Trace is probably the most overlooked set of principals that outdoor enthusiasts make. Backpackers, Day Hikers, Climbers, or anyone that loves the outdoors need to at least take the awareness course that teaches the 7 principals so we can all leave the backcountry exactly the way we find it. Why? Listen to our Podcast and find out.

What we talk about:

  • There is a reason Plan and Prepare is the first principal
  • Scott and Ariane discuss Poop…What?
  • Please don’t feed the Bears
  • Scott get’s passionate about burning garbage in campfires
  • Ariane suggest reading material for your….private moments

Have a Leave No Trace story? Post it here and we will respond. We love hearing from our listeners.

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