Best Backpacking Podcast

Episode 44: Embrace the Suck

On this episode we discuss “Embrace the Suck” and how that relates to the outdoors. Mother Nature doesn’t always care about your weekend plans, and She certainly doesn’t take note to all the planning, costs and coordination involved in those plans. When the majority of us hermit inside as inclement weather hits, we challenge you to think differently.

These are the time that is actually best to just get up and go! Sometimes you have to simply – and genuinely – embrace the suck to appreciate the one thing you cherish so deeply. The Great Outdoors.

What we discuss on this Podcast:

  • Embracing the suck while lost in the Wilderness
  • Embracing the suck on Scott’s 2003 AT Thru-Hike
  • Embracing the suck when Mother Nature doesn’t care about your weekend plans

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